Why You Can't Gain Muscle ?

  • Posted by G-FITNESSSSSSS
  • at 8:23 AM -


There comes a time when you think you are doing everything right yet ain't able to get those gains you have been wishing for, and that's when you feel like killing yourself.

But the reason why you are not getting those gains even after gyming right is:

  • Not Enough Protein
Protein is one the most important nutrient in muscle building, and a lack of protein in the body will never let you gain muscle. You should intake around 1 gm per kg of body weight of protein daily. Anything lesser than that won't let you gain muscle. So workout and enjoy your protein shakes. 

  • Not Enough Calories
To gain muscle, its important to be in a calorie surplus. But that doesn't mean you can have anything to eat. Make sure you have a clean diet. So keep a count of your calorie intake and enjoy your neat gains. 

  • Too Much Cardio
Doing too much cardio can be another reason behind not getting those gains. So make sure you ain't doing too much of cardio that causes a hindrance to your gains.

  • Too Much Stress  
Mental health of a person has a huge impact on the physical health of a person. If your mental health is not very well, your physical health can't be good. So just keep calm, relax and stay positive. 

  • Not Enough Sleep
Not getting enough sleep means your body is not getting proper rest. Proper rest is a must to help your muscle gain its size therefore enough sleep becomes a very important thing for those gains. A 7-8 hours of sleep is a must to gain muscle.



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