Gym Rules You Should Know

  • Posted by G-FITNESSSSSSS
  • at 9:24 AM -

  • Using phone in the gym won't help you gain muscles. Your complete focus should be on your exercise.

  • Don't Scream when you still have 10 more reps to go. Screaming is a waste of energy and screaming right from the first rep means you are overlifting.

  • Don't trust what your gymbro tells you. Its 10% facts and 90% brologics. So you better use your own brain.

  • Come to the gym with a goal. A fitness Goal. And work towards achievement of that goal.

  • Rerack your weights, no one else will do it for you. If you can lift it, you can also rerack it.

  • Don't leave your sweat on the bench. Always use a Towel in the gym. Sweat on the bench can cause infection to others. So make sure you ain't all sweaty out there.

  • You don't stop when you are tired. You stop when you are done. Make muscle mind connection. FOCUS. That's what help you bring a change.

  • Come in the gym to exercise. Talking is not an exercise. Don't waste your energy talking in the gym. Better utilize it.

  • Go Hard or Go Home


Written by Admin

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