Warm Up

  • Posted by G-FITNESSSSSSS
  • at 3:49 AM -

What's a Warm Up ?

Warm up basically means warming up your body or to prepare your body for a physical activity or performance by some gentle exercises. Warming up prepares the muscles of our body for vigorous action.

A 10 minute warm up before a workout is very necessary. You can perform some particular warm up exercise for a particular muscle or keep a regular warm up routine.

Benefits of a Warm Up ?

  • Increased movement of blood through the tissues
  • Increased delivery of oxygen to the muscles
  • Prepares the muscle for stretching
  • Prepares the heart for an increase in activity
  • Improves reaction time
  • Mentally prepares for the workout
  • Prevents chance of an injury

Regular Warm Up Exercises:

Some warm up exercises that you can perform before any workout are as follows


One set of push up can warm up your entire body especially the upper body. Chest, Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps get well warmed up with pushups. Perform Push ups until failure but around 50 reps of Push Ups are good enough.


To warm up your back and shoulders properly, Pull Ups is one of the best warm up exercise. Perform as many reps in one set but 10-20 reps are good enough.


Spot Jogging is very effective in warming up your body especially your legs. Warming up your legs is important even if your workout doesn't involve your legs at all because the legs constitute almost half of your body and by proper warming up of your legs, half of your body gets warmed up.

Performing these three exercise will hardly take 10 minutes and your body will get completely warmed up, thereby increasing the effectiveness of your workout.



Written by Admin

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