Shoulder Attack

  • Posted by G-FITNESSSSSSS
  • at 1:45 AM -

SUPERSETS - A superset means performing two alternate exercise without taking any rest in between the sets.

Benefits of a Superset

  • Saves Time
  • Increased workout intensity
  • Overload on muscle
  • Superset for supersize
A badass shoulder workout will comprise of four supersets. There should be no rest between two exercises of a superset. Rest of around a minute should be taken after completing one superset.
Here are the Supersets for the Shoulders

A) Superset One

- Dumbbell Press

This is the very first exercise of our shoulder workout. You don't want to go too heavy or too light with the weights. Use the weights of 70% of your maximum strength. Perform 3 sets of 10-12 reps each.

- Cable Rear Lateral

Now without taking any rest, perform cable rear lateral exercise. Go with lighter weights. Perform 3 sets of 10-12 reps each. You can perform this exercise with both the arms working simultaneously or the arms working one by one.

Take 45-60 seconds rest after performing one superset. A total of 3 supersets are to be performed.

B) Superset Two

- Smith Machine Press

The second exercise in our second superset is the smith machine press. Keep the barbell on the front side. Go with 60% of your maximum strength in this exercise. Perform 3 sets of 10-12 reps each. 

- Plate Front Raises

Without taking any rest after shoulder press on the smith machine, grab a Plate(10kg-20kg) and start performing front raises. Perform it slowly. Form is the key. This exercise should be performed in 3 sets of 10 reps each. 

Take  rest of a minute each after performing the supersets.

C) Superset Three

- Dumbbell Side Raises

One of the most basic and effective shoulder exercises is dumbbell side raises. By performing this exercise in a seated position you can concentrate better on the concerned muscle. Go with moderate weights and perform 3 sets of 10-12 reps each. Don't take any rest between this exercise and the next exercise.

- Dumbbell Front Raises

This is another regular and effective exercise for the shoulders. NO REST between these two exercises as well. When you bring down the dumbbells, make sure they don't touch your body as it gives the muscle some rest and it becomes inactive. You have to keep the muscle active throughout the performance of the exercise.
Don't take the dumbbell too high or too low.

Take rest for a minute or so after every superset.

D) Superset Four

- Face Pulls

Go very very light with this exercise. Perform it slowly and keep a check on your form. Perform 3 sets of 10 reps each. Go light and slow. Make sure you perform the next exercise without any rest.

- Shrugs

Grab a plate/dumbbell in each hand. Go as heavy as you can since its your last exercise. This exercise will help you get the Pump in your shoulders that you always wanted. Perform 3 sets of 10 reps each. The first 4 reps go very slow, the next 6 reps can be performed a little quickly. No rest between the exercises. This is the last exercise of your supersets.


Written by Admin

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