Arms Blast

  • Posted by G-FITNESSSSSSS
  • at 6:48 AM -

You like Arms or Aams ?

The first thing a person notices in a gym going person is his biceps. People are least concerned about the chest, back, legs or shoulders. All they do is start squeezing your bicep for the sake of checking your gains. 

So it becomes duty of every gymer, not to disappoint them and impress everyone who tries to measure the biceps.

But we know that arms look great not only with the help of the bicep muscle but the tricep muscle plays a major role in that. Tricep is a bigger muscle than the  bicep muscle, therefore it becomes necessary to train both the muscles properly so as to get an arms blast.


A) Superset One

- Wide Barbell Curls

The first exercise in our arms workout is wide barbell curls for the biceps. While performing this exercise make sure you don't swing your body, so use moderate weights. Perform 3 sets of 10-12 reps each.

- Skull Crushers

Now without taking any rest perform the next exercise which is for the triceps. Barbell skull crusher is the most effective exercise for the triceps. Many people don't agree to it, but its impact is quite visible after performing it on a regular basis. Go as heavy as possible. Don't feel shy taking support while performing this exercise. Perform 3 sets of 10-12 reps.

Take rest for a minute after each superset.

B) Superset Two

- Inclined Bench Dumbbell Curls

This exercise is to be performed on an inclined bench. Things to be kept in mind while performing this exercise is not to swing the elbows. The elbows should be fixed and only the forearms and hands should move. Go as heavy as possible. Perform 3 sets of 8-12 reps.

- Kickbacks

The Inclined dumbbell press is followed by Dumbbell Kickbacks without any rest. Don't go too heavy in this exercise. Use light to moderate weights. Make sure to completely straighten the arm. The tricep will squeeze only when the arm is fully straight. Perform this exercise one by one for each arm. 3 Sets of 10-12 reps.

Take a minute rest after each superset.

C) Superset Three

- Closed Grip Barbell Curls

Squeezing the bicep completely should be the motive while performing this exercise. You can use a curled barbell for better effectiveness of this exercise. Make sure not to swing the body while performing this exercise. Perform 3 sets of 10-12 reps.

No rest between the two exercises. One minute rest only after the superset.

- Single Arm Dumbbell Extension

The next tricep exercise is Single Arm Dumbbell Extension. Elbows should be fixed and only the forearm and the hand will make the movements. Use moderate weights. Don't go too heavy. This exercise to be performed one by one for each arm. Perform 3 sets of 8-12 reps.

Take rest for a minute after the superset is performed.

D) Superset Four

- Dumbbell Hammer Curls

Last but not at all the least are the Dumbbell Hammer Curls. This exercise is the most important for that massive pump that you look for after a workout. Go as heavy as possible. Perform 3 sets of 8-12 reps. No rest after this exercise as well.

- Rope Push Down

The last exercise in our arms workout is Rope Pushdown for the triceps. Don't focus on going heavy. Focus on making your arms go straight when you push the rope down. Since this is the last exercise, put in your full efforts. Perform 3 sets of 8-12 reps.


Written by Admin

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