Post Workout Meals

  • Posted by G-FITNESSSSSSS
  • at 12:40 AM -
Just like Pre Workout Meals, Post Workout Meals are extremely important, perhaps even more. A good post workout meal will ensure a fast and effective recovery of your body.

Post Workout Nutrition

  • Lean Protein - To rebuild stronger muscle fibres
  • Simple Carbs - To replenish the glycogen depleted during workout
  • NO FATS after a workout.

Some Post Workout Meals are:

Whey Protein 
  • Have 1 scoop of whey protein with water.
Whey protein is extracted from milk so it can be consumed by vegetarians as well. Whey protein is the best source of protein because it is very easy to digest. It is better to consume the protein with water instead of Milk.

Egg Whites
  • You can have 4-8 egg whites along with a Banana as a post workout meal.
Banana will complete the Carbs intake required by the body. Egg Whites are 90% water and 10% protein. This makes them another great source of protein.

In case you don't eat eggs and can't afford to buy whey protein, you should just have a glass of milk with 2 bananas.

After the post workout meal, your next meal should also be nutritious. If you workout in the evening then your dinner should comprise of some protein rich food items like chicken,fish, eggs or paneer for vegetarians, but don't forget to have a good salad with it.

In case you work out in the morning, make your breakfast rich in protein. You can have a paneer sandwich, an egg white omelette as your breakfast.

Happy Gyming !


Written by Admin

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